Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Chaotic Things going on at our house:

1. My mom bean had her thyroid removed!

2. My dad bean's back went out from sleeping on the floor in the livingroom to take care of my mombean.

3. The kidlets are getting ready to go back to school

4. We got new food dishes!

5. I got my nails trimmed while I was awake! ( Dexter)

6. Dad threatened Tomtoms with a bath!

7. Tomtoms had flashbacks of Luxor's bath fiasco!

8. The beans backyard bathtub wooshed water into my sunnyspot!( midnight)

9. I found a whole stash of Sockmonsters! - Dexter

10. We've all been on triple time cuddle duty to help the mom feel better with purrs and headbumps

11. While the beans were in San Francisco for the day , I found the Temptations hiding spot and sort of helped myself! - Dexter

12. After helping myself to Temptations , I tore through a roll of paper towels hoping to find more!

13. Wore myself out watching the kidlets bounce up and down on a trampoline! - tomtoms says- i looked up then down then up then down then up then down try that for half an hour really fast!

Needless to say, you can see we've been keeping busy here!

on a sidenote from the mom, my surgerywent well and I've been recovering nicely.That is why the furballs have not had a lot of time to visit and chat with their friends.Though they want you to know they miss you all very much!